Elan Keshen
Elan Keshen
ย ยทย Marketing @Magical

Sync Zendesk macros with Magical templates

Thu, Jul 27

Sync your Zendesk macros with Magical templates

Keep your Magical templates in sync with your Zendesk macros as they change or get added to Zendesk.

Turning this sync on will:

  • Allow you to edit your messages to customers in Zendesk, while still using the best-practice language

  • Save you time from manually updating your Magical templates when the macros change

  • Help you use your templates in other tools besides Zendesk

  • Give you a backup of your macros in case you are switching tools

How to sync:

  • Go to your workspace and click on your profile icon in the bottom right corner of the screen to sync Zendesk & Magical.
    Please note you will need to update to the latest version of Magical and you will need to be signed into Zendesk for the sync to begin.